Amanda A.

Hi! My name is Amanda Alcântara. I was born and raised in the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I started my degree in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Federal University at Rio de Janeiro in 2010. In 2014, I received a scholarship from the Brazilian Federal Government to participate in an exchange program... That was when I left my country for the first time, alone and only knowing how to communicate in English at a minimum. But that was one of the best experiences of my life studying and living in NYC for a year and a half. However, upon graduating, I found myself discontented with my chosen profession. I was lost and sad after coming back home. So, I decided to try a new career to see if that would bring me joy again. Reflecting on my lifelong passion for makeup, nurtured through countless sessions of experimenting on myself and my friends, I embarked on a transformative journey. In the years of 2016 and 2018, I enrolled in makeup courses, drawn to the artistic freedom and creative expression it offered – a parallel to the architectural design process I also enjoyed. My makeup education began with revered professionals in Brazil, where I honed my skills and developed my style and techniques. I returned to the USA permanently in 2018. I lived in Boston for a year and a half. In December of 2019 I moved to Knoxville, TN. And here I am since then! Living in diverse cities has enriched my experiences, made more grateful for the life I have, and broadened my cultural horizons. I have a passion for festive and creative makeup! With Halloween creations being among my favorites! I am also passionate in the transformative power of makeup to instill confidence and radiance in every woman I work with. At the moment, I have been working in both my careers: makeup artist and architect. And I couldn’t be happier professionally! Outside of my artistry side, I like to go to Crossfit and workout in general. I love music and books. I also love going to different coffee shops to read or to work. I love spending time with my friends. Traveling is one of my biggest passion and dream. I love meeting new and different people, culture, ideas, arts… I’m always eager to embrace new adventures, experiences, and always have a good time.
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